Our office is inspired by nature, designed to maximize the use of natural light and ventilation.

We take the highest safety precautions when it comes to mercury disposal, by using a suction unit that includes a mercury amalgam separator. This greatly reduces water use and prevents oil and mercury pollution in wastewater.

Some dental tools and products must be disposable, but we make all efforts to use biodegradable and environmentally-safe materials. We only use disposable plastic or paper barriers when necessary.

We are paperless, saving the trees and helping conserve the energy in producing the paper from the wood, reducing our carbon footprint.

We Recycle the big five: aluminum, glass, plastic, paper and steel. We even compost to feed our beautiful office’s plants, which helps enhance the air quality of our interiors by filtering and lowering toxins such as formaldehyde and carbon Monoxide

This is only a short list of our office’s Green Choices. We hope these efforts will inspire you to take care of our Planet. Without the earth, we are nothing.

Go green and stay happy!

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